Monday, November 5, 2012

Taliban Chris

     Halloween for Chris Brown is dressing up like a Taliban. He tweeted a photo of him and some friends in Taliban costumes complete with guns and ammunition. This created a lot of discussions amongst his followers over Twitter. Been called as a "punk" and a "woman beater" before, "an insensitive asshole" would appear to be an understatement.
     This is a guy who beat a woman to the pulp after a date, a man who brushed the law endlessly with his weed problems, a man who caused chaos in a bar in NYC that caused Tony Parkers eye injury, a guy who vandalized a hotel because he didn't like a question thrown at him during  an interview and so on and so forth.
     Personally, I think that he could have just dressed himself with a giant condom which is perfect for covering a giant dick. He is probably the only person who can dress up like a Taliban and actually improve his own image. I am just guessing that his girlfriend came to the same Halloween party wearing a Burqa to hide her bruises. The truth of the matter is, if he really wanted to dress up like a violent lunatic, he could have gone as himself and people will actually think that he is for real. 

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