Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jokes About Lebron James

     This past 2 days I have heard of so many jokes about Lebron James on the radio and from people that I know at work and home. The internet has some jokes too and I decided to make a small compilation of it here in my blog.

  • I woke up this morning without a ring, and so is Lebron.
  • Lebron did not go to college because he hates the FINALS.
  • Don't ask Lebron if he has change for a dollar because he only have 3 quarters.
  • Lebron is coming out with his own brand of cell phone that only vibrates 'coz it has no ring.
  • Lebron will be better playing in the NHL because it only has 3 periods.
  • Lebron can't write a book because he have no TITLE yet.
  • What is the difference between Lebron and Saturn? Saturn has a ring.
  • Today is Lebron Day in Miami. Everyone leaves work 12 minutes early.
  • Why is  Lebron sick before game 6? He ate an Egg Benedict Arnold in Cleveland for breakfast.
  • Why did Lebron went South? Because his mom was heading West.
Here is Lebron James before he became a Black Man
What more he should do???

  If you have more Lebron James jokes, please feel free to post it in the comments window. Next time!!

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