Sunday, June 26, 2011

Man Updated Profile In Facebook While Holding Woman Hostage

     How important the social media is right now? This internet tool is so powerful that a man called Jason Valdez in Utah held a woman hostage at gunpoint was able to find time to tell the world by updating his Facebook account. He got his friends and family aware of everything he is doing while the SWAT team was outside trying to resolve the standoff situation. The 16 hour ordeal happened in a small hotel room in Ogden Utah according to reports.
    What's amazing was after the Facebook update a Facebrook friend of Jason Valdez gave him some help by telling him that a SWAT officer was hiding in the bushes. He, Valdez then posted "thank you homie. Good looking out.". The room was stormed by the SWAT team and Valdez shot himself to the chest but survived. The police officers were also looking thru this network to update themselves. He found at least a dozen new friends and his family members posted at least 100 comments, all during the 16 hour standoff. Valdez who was trying to avoid a warrant for drug charges was also able to post 2 pictures of his woman hostage Veronica with a note that says "cute ha".
     If you saw the movie Dog Day Afternoon, when Al Pacino held people hostage in a bank and communicated to the police using the telephone and even going outside personally to rant about his demands, this story will probably be a better movie material. This is like the old school vs the new school way of conducting a standoff. Unbelievable!!

1 comment:

Miranda Hardy said...

Amazing! That guy was just sick, and his Facebook friends were worse for encouraging it.