Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Man Shoots Wart On Finger With A Shotgun

     A security guard in London used a 12 gauge beretta shotgun to get rid of his bothersome wart on his finger. As a result it took most of his finger with it. The person's name is Shawn Murphy, 38 of Doncaster who claimed that he tried creams and ointments but nothing has changed so he decided to use his shotgun. Because of this incident, he was charged for illegal possession of firearms and his lawyer said in the hearing that his client was "A VICTIM OF HIS OWN STUPIDITY". Like Charlie Sheen would say, "Duh...winning". The lawyer admitted that his client is stupid and he defended him in court. Whose dumb and whose dumber.  
    I am not  a genius but I don't think I will do what he did to fix a wart. I was wondering if he will do the same thing if the wart is on his forehead. If it is, he have to ask another person to do it for him because he won't be able to aim on his head with a beretta. But since this guy is so smart, he could just face a mirror, aim the shotgun on his forehead on his image and shoot. Maybe, if he's got a good amount of life insurance, his wife will do it for him. 
Here is a picture of a 12 Gauge Beretta Shotgun
 Here is a picture of a wart on a finger

And here's a picture of a man who will shoot a wart on his finger with a shotgun..

  Maybe next time he gets another wart on his finger he will just use a revolver instead. 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

No way!! I mean what kind of person does that?!!77Thanks for sharing, made me laugh!
